References – Tiny Bernedoodles
It’s hard to believe but our pup is weeks away from celebrating her first year. Woof has had a great year with us as we’ve had with her. She is an exceptional dog in every way. She adores loves everyone she meets and they adore her. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve handed out the address for your website to people who see her and want to know how to adopt one. From the day we got her in early October she has been a joy to have. She’s incredibly bright and cheerful. She has the run of three acres on our property and loves to run and swim. She’s not so crazy about the cows next door, but otherwise welcomes all animals to the property. The picture I have sent you is Woof with her constant companion Smudge. We got the kitten at the same time we got Woof. They are inseparable. They play and explore together and sleep together. She loves her groomer and is wild about her vet. She sailed through her neutering with flying colours and looks forward to her monthly appointments. I can’t thank you enough for delivering us such an amazing dog. We’re in love. ~ Sincerely, Paul Castle
One photo is fairly typical; Woof wrestling with Smudge the cat. The cat is usually the instigator. In another picture she was about 4 months old at the time. She wouldn’t sleep in the crate unless Smudge slept with her. Woof is just under 35 pounds now – a good size for a tiny!
We just wanted to reach out and let you know how amazing Piper is. We have almost had her a whole year now – and we couldn’t imagine a day without her. She adds to much to our day to day family life. My kids (ages 12 & 10) adore her and are always rolling around on the floor with her. She is so attentive to their needs always. She can play rough with my son when he is wanting to play rough and tumble with her. And Piper can be the best lap dog around as well. She seems to know what the vibe is in the house at all times. It really is amazing. Her temperament couldn’t be better for us. With this being our first dog, we were a little worried about not having a say at what puppy we got. But as everyone told us – Sherry knows best. You truly do Sherry!
Piper has fit into our crazy hectic life style. She loves her car rides around for carpool. Her plane rides out to our vacation house with us. She loves to swim, run, jump, and chase just about anything.
Piper is a tiny bernedoodle and has definitely showed us the larger side of the tiny breed. She is 26lbs at 1 year old. She has very long legs, a beautiful coat, and the cutest little underbite. She has been extremely healthy, eats like a champ, never sheds and is very smart. There isn’t anything more we could ask for. We love our Piper Sierra! Thanks Sherry! ~ Megan Harris – Tustin, CA, USA
Gibbs (and Raglan and Sula)
Being the proud pack leader of three bernedoodles I can honestly say that I am not sure if I will ever adopt another family member from anyone but Sherry Rupke and her team at SwissRidge Kennels.
We sent in our first adoption form over 4 years ago when I fell in LOVE with a tri-color puppy on the SwissRidge website. I had my heart set on a puppy just like the one I saw in the picture. I stalked the SwissRidge website day after day. I will never forget the day Sherry called me out of the blue. Sherry said, “I have a puppy, but he’s not tri-color.” She sent me a picture and the whole family fell in love with him. We didn’t need a tri-color pup. We needed this black standard bernedoodle with a white cross on his chest, and a tan swirl over his eyes!
From that day on, we knew this pup we named Raglan was going to be a wonderful addition to our growing family. He was an adorable pup, full of energy, dedication, and spunk. We loved him so much that we knew we had room for another. Our youngest daughter wanted a doodle she could bond with, something smaller, so the following Christmas Santa left a dog crate filled with toys with a note saying we were on the list for a mini bernedoodle. Sula was born the next month and our pack was growing! Sula added a new energy to our pack. She was a playful pup who tested any and all limits she was given. With the help of a local trainer, and a quick education in being the leader of my pack, Raglan and Sula were a dream come true.
Now that we had mini and a standard bernedoodle, my love for SwissRidge doodles continued to grow, I hinted around that one more pup would complete our pack. A tiny bernedoodle would make our family complete. I never considered myself to be a small dog person, but there was something about these tiny pups that turned me around. My husband must be as crazy as I am because he contacted Sherry on his own and wanted to surprise me with my third benedoodle for my birthday!
Raglan, was from the litter of Chantelle, an Apricot standard poodle, and Dominique, a handsome bernese mountain dog. Raglan is a wonderful pup but he did take sometime and effort to get him that way. I’d say that was our fault though. Even though I read the books and studied the puppy handbook, I still made some mistakes. Luckily with the support of of a great trainer, I realized what I was doing wrong. Raglan is a wonderful companion and family member. He walks down the street like he is a Clydesdale horse and if one of his pack members breaks away from the pack he does not stand down until they return. He is loyal, loving, and with his long legged stature and winning personality he is the best of all worlds. Raglan will be four in June 2014.
Sula is a mini doodle from Juno, a bernese mountain dog, and Eddie, a poodle, born January 2, 2012. She is a total love and attention hound. Throughout my day I always have the feeling that sometimes I am being watched. As I take a glance around Sula’s eyes are directly focused on me. If I leave the house she will assume her position in the front bay window and wait for my return. Sula loves everything and everyone. She always wants to know what is going on. Whether you are driving a car, sitting on the couch, or yes even sitting at the kitchen counter, Sula is right by your side. She is very vocal and opinionated and will express her opinion any chance she gets! We only wish we knew what she was trying to say.
Gibbs, is a tiny bernedoodle from the litter of Kia and Pickles born May 24, 2013. He is as smart as he is adorable. When I brought Gibbs in for his first vet appointment, the first thing the vet said is, “He is stink’in cute.” Gibbs can keep up with the big dogs, but can also be a sweet cuddly lap dog at the drop of a dime. Never having a small dog before (Gibbs weighs 15 pounds at 11 months) we decided to fly from Boston to California with Gibbs in a carry on bag not knowing what to expect. With a five hour flight ahead of us, we were prepared for anything and everything! Let’s just say we were over prepared. Gibbs was unbelievable! He cuddled up in a ball in his special travel bag and didn’t bark or whimper during the entire flight! I was truly amazed at how well he adjust to this new adventure.
You may ask, “Why am I telling you all this?” Well, the reason is because there is something so special about the puppies that Sherry and her SwissRidge Team create. We knew Sherry was special the first time we emailed her. We knew she and her pups were worth every penny we would spend on them. Once you make the commitment to Sherry and her pups you will never look back, or wonder if you made the right choice. And then, when you hold your precious treasure in your arms for the very first time, you will not be able to control that warm and fuzzy feeling that will run through your entire body. The testing, the care, the follow through, and most importantly her love for her job are just some of the reasons why Sherry Rupke is the very best Breeder of the Pack. ~ M. Murphy
Meet Hendrix. He is a tiny bernedoodle owned by the Williams family.
Lisa says” I just wanted to say, if anyone is thinking of getting a Bernedoodle, they better be prepared for a lifestyle change and having their lives, as they know it, altered, because having this beautiful, happy, funny puppy in our home – well, it’s hard to get anything done! It’s impossible to ignore him while doing homework, or get ready for school in the morning without playing with him, or go to bed without playing with him, and I have a hard time being productive myself! So, the kids need to get up earlier and go to bed earlier to have their Hendrix time – but he’s worth it! Hendrix was born 8-13-13 and his parents are Zoey x Stitch. He has SO much personality.
He is spunky, playful, and very smart, yet, he is also incredibly cuddly and sweet. He is a dog you can wrestle on the ground with, but will also sit in your lap and cuddle. He LOVES my other dogs and has found his place right in the middle…he respects my 75 pound German Shepherd, Stella, as top dog, but has put my 90 pound Goldendoodle, Woody in his place – bottom of the pack! But Woody is very submissive and fine with that. Despite only being 25 pounds at 6 1/2 months, he plays – and plays hard – with both Stella and Woody. I was on the fence about getting a tiny Berndoodle, as I have always been a big dog person, however, since I already have two big dogs, I felt it was best to get a tiny, and I have to say, I really love his size. He looks bigger than he weighs because of all his hair, and he is easier to travel with. I have taken Hendrix on trips with the family when he was around 3 months old and could still go in a carrier under the seat of the airplane, and he was perfect on every flight, sleeping the entire way.
Hendrix recently came with the family to California to attend my daughter’s horse show for 4 days. He mingled with many unfamiliar dogs, was all around the horses, rode around in the golf cart, stayed in the hotel with us, and he received many compliments about how well behaved he is and how adorable he is. The most difficult thing about Hendrix is when he does do something naughty, it is SO hard to punish him because he is so darn cute, and, when he gets in trouble, he is REALLY remorseful and you can tell he feels really, really bad! He has a way of making YOU feel guilty! I could go on and on, but I really couldn’t ask for a better dog. It seems like he has been part of our family forever, and it is hard to believe it’s only been 5 months, because we cannot imagine our lives without him.
Thank you, for producing such a wonderful, fun breed, and bringing so much joy and love into not only our lives, but everyone else who has the privilege of owing one of your dogs. I know that there will be another Bernedoodle in my future. I just can’t decide which size, because I love them all!
If you would like to email Lisa to find out more about Hendrix her email address is [email protected]
Meet Paco. He is a tiny bernedoodle out of Kia and Pickles litter. He is owned by the Douglas family. Marsha says “Paco is a Tiny Bernedoodle who has been with us for only two weeks and we are already more than madly in love with him. Thanks to the people at Swiss Ridge Kennels we brought him home with more than
enough information to incorporate him into our lives. Sherry gave us a lot of information in person at the pick up and backed us up with everything written out in our puppy package.
Before getting Paco it was a long and fretful wait, wondering what kind of pup we would get. We knew we would not be disappointed as we had a friend with a SwissRidge standard Bernedoodle. We had our doubts and discussions as we are retired and thought we would not ever get a dog again. Having always had a dog in the house or two and a cat, we missed having one. Soooooo…..we decided if it was a puppy for us once more it had to be a top notch puppy as we are always on the move between three homes in three different countries. We are thinking we hit the jackpot with Paco.
He has met several new people with the waggiest of little tails for everyone. He sleeps through the night with us waking him up as per Sherry’s crate training schedule. He is learning simple commands already. He is still not on the loose as we are keeping him safe until he gets all of his shots. We are learning what works and trying to be consistant. This puppy is proving to be very adaptable. He does have his moments, but so far time-outs have proven to settle him down. In two weeks he meets the grandchildren. We are sure they will be lifelong pals for Paco.”
If you would like to email Marsha to find out more about Paco her email address is [email protected]